Triton Tools


Creators of Specialist Woodworking Tools Since 1976.  

Triton have been creating specialist woodworking tools for over 45 years, and know that the greatness of every project – joinery, carpentry, craft or trade – lies in the details.  

Triton strives to be the brand that provides excellent product for those that know how to use it, approachable expertise for those that want to learn, and exceptional support to retailers that carry its name.

Developed in the UK for woodworkers everywhere, the Triton range includes world-famous routers, award-winning power tools, hand tools, Workcentre systems and accessories.  

Welcome to the Home of Woodworking.


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Triton provides a vast library of marketing material and support to help retailers sell Triton product. Here are some video examples:

Triton TSPS450 or TSPST450 Oscillating Spindle Sanders


Triton SJA100E vs SJA100XL Portable Foot Clamps
